A Yourparking parkolásgátlói segítségével nem csupán megvédheted a parkolóhelyed a váratlan vendégektől, hanem meg is oszthatod azt az általad választott óradíj ellenében.

That way, no one will stop at your place without permission.

Így biztosan nem áll meg senki illetéktelenül a helyeden


With Yourparking parking barriers, you can not only protect your parking space from unexpected guests, but you can also share for an hourly rate of your choice.

But what's to guarantee that when you need your parking space, there really is no one there? That's exactly what we've invented the so-called penalty hourly rate.

The penalty hourly rate is the price at which you feel it is still worth looking for another parking space if someone illegally stays in your parking space. You can also set this price, but it is a much higher rate for the motorist using the parking space.

a bank zárolja a használt bankszámlán

Technically it works in such a way that when the arriving driver starts parking the first hour of the penalty is blocked by the bank on the bank account used, if the tenant leaves the parking space on time the money is automatically returned to the user, but if he does not start within the given hourly limit the higher hourly parking fee will apply.
