P+R parkoló

P+R - multimodal parking and smart parking

Mit jelent a P+R kifejezés?

P+R is short for "Park and Ride", which means "Park and Ride". P+R car parks are designed to provide parking spaces on the outskirts or in the suburbs of the city for motorists who can then travel on to the city centre by public transport (bus, tram, metro, train). These car parks allow motorists to avoid congestion and parking difficulties in the city centre, while reduce urban traffic and air pollution. 

Felszíni P+R parkoló
Felszíni P+R parkoló

Mi az a multimodális parkolóhely?

The term multimodal parking refers to parking facilities that allow the integration of different transport modes. This means that travellers typically arrive by other means, such as car or bicycle, and then usually continue their journey by public transport. These parking facilities not only offer parking for cars, but also provide services that make it easier for motorists to switch to other modes of transport, such as public transport, cycling or even walking.

Characteristics of multimodal parking places

Multimodal parking spaces are directly linked to public transport systems such as buses, trams, metros or trains. This allows motorists to simply transfer to these means of transport and continue their journey without having to use their car.

These car parks often offer additional services such as bicycle storage, electric charging stations, car-sharing services or even electric scooters for hire. These services give motorists the flexibility to switch between different modes of transport during their journey.

Multimodal parking facilities are designed with particular attention to sustainability and environmentally friendly solutions. For example, solar charging stations, green roofs and rainwater harvesting systems contribute to reducing the environmental impact.

Modern multimodal parking facilities often use smart technologies such as real-time parking information, pre-booking systems and mobile apps to facilitate parking management and enhance the user experience. They are equipped with smart entry systems, such as barriers, sensors or even parking sensors.

More developed cities, such as Budapest, have a large number of P+R car parks located in different parts of the city. For example, the P+R car park next to the Kelenföld railway station offers motorists the possibility to transfer to the metro or train. This car park provides parking for hundreds of cars and is easily accessible from nearby motorways such as the M1 or M7.

Hogyan kombinálhatjuk a P+R parkolókat okos parkolásgátlóval?

Smart parking sensors use modern technology to increase the efficiency of parking systems. These devices have a number of advantages that allow P+R parking facilities to operate more efficiently. Let's see how these systems can be combined.

Smart parking barriers allow you to pre-book parking spaces using mobile apps. Motorists can be sure that there will be a space available for them in the P+R car park when they arrive. This reduces the time and stress spent looking for a parking space.

Smart parking blockers provide real-time information on the occupancy of parking spaces. Motorists can see which parking spaces are free via their mobile phone and get navigation assistance to the nearest free space. This significantly improves parking efficiency and reduces congestion around the car park.

Smart parking blockers have advanced security features that protect parking spaces from unauthorised parking. Many smart systems use cameras, number plate recognition software and other security tools to ensure parking spaces are secure.

Smart parking blockers can be integrated with public transport systems, so that drivers can easily transfer from parking spaces to public transport.The apps allow motorists to manage their parking and public transport tickets in one place, making their journey even more convenient.

Okos megoldások a P+R parkolók hatékony működéséhez

Mobile apps allow motorists to easily manage their parking.They can use the apps to pre-book parking spaces, get real-time information on the status of parking spaces and easily pay for parking. Integrated, secure payment systems and notifications further enhance motorists' convenience.

YourParking smart parking sensors even allow for flexible tariff systems that are tailored to the needs of motorists. For example, lower tariffs can be offered for off-peak parking, encouraging motorists to use the car parks during less busy periods.They can also ensure that the management of entitlements to eligible parking spaces is provided on a per-space, per-asset basis. The combination of P+R parking and smart parking solutions can contribute to increasing the efficiency of urban transport and reducing environmental impacts. The use of smart technologies and sustainable parking solutions can help to improve the quality of urban life. This is part of the YourParking mission.



